Friday, July 1, 2011

Long Day

I didn't sleep well last night. Maybe it was last night's run. Who knows. In any event, I didn't feel rested when I woke up, and I knew it was going to be a long day. I did get out for a 5 mile run after dropping Sam off at daycare though. I felt a bit sluggish, like I had run just over 12 hours before. Oh wait, I had :-) Anyway, it was good to shake the legs out. I ran down to the river, scaring up a grouse along the Heath trail and enjoying the babbling of the water, running low now in the riverbed. I came home, took a quick shower and headed up to work, where we spent a crazy day hanging a new show. The place looks great, but I was super happy to get things wrapped up, and be able to head home with just enough time to give Sam her bath and put her to bed. Of course, the second I walked in the door, she started bawling. As if she had just realized, 'Oh yeah, Mama hasn't been here all of this time! She's here now. Hurray! But it means she was gone before. Boo!' Poor, silly, tired little girl :-)

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