Wednesday, May 15, 2024

In Bloom

I have always said I like fall the best - the crisp, cool air, the turning leaves - but honestly, these past few weeks, not being able to run and be out on the trails watching as the world becomes alive in the spring - flora growing and flowering, leaves greening - I think I might like this time of year the most, and I am missing it. Yes, I've gotten in a few nice walks this week, don't get me wrong, but it is not quite the same. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the upper hamstring allows me to run next week. We shall see.

On Tuesday, I got out for a late afternoon walk around the school block. Nice afternoon. (1.7 miles walked)

Wednesday, I was working from home so after I dropped Sam off at school, I decided to get out for a walk before the rain started. A bit of road and some trail. Always fun to see things starting to bloom. Bluebeard Lily emerging and wild oats in flower. Leg improving but not 100% yet. (2.38 miles walked)

Friday, I headed over to the Cathance after I dropped Sam at school and did a nice looping along the edge of the Heath, out to hole 6 to see if the fringed polygala was in bloom (it was!), and then down to the river. Lovely morning in the woods with so much flora to see and enjoy. Calla lily, skunk cabbage, wood anemone, false hellebore, trailing arbutus, ferns unfurling and first fringed polygala of the season ❤️🌸 I really want to be running and threw in a few steps but that high hamstring area is not quite ready. (2.45 miles walked)

Saturday was Riverlands 100, and so I headed over early for my day shift as the Start/Finish aid station captain. Always a fun day, hanging out in a dirt parking lot in the middle of nowhere, catching up with friends, cheering on and helping runners, and just enjoying the great atmosphere of this awesome 100 mile race πŸ’—Came home tired but happy. And Ryan, of course, having come over much earlier than his shift needed to start, stayed on through the night captaining the aid station until the race finish. Thank goodness he is a night owl! 

Had a nice, quiet start to Mother's Day on Sunday, sitting on the couch with my coffee and relaxing a bit before getting the house and computer chores done before lunch, after which we joined Dad for a walk and gelato 😊🍨 Unfortunately, Mom wasn’t feeling great so she stayed home to rest, and of course Ryan was still up at Riverlands. But Dad, Sam and I had a nice walk and well, gelato is always good! (2.5 miles walked)



Sunday, May 5, 2024


Waiting on the hamstring to heal is frustrating and maddening. Such a silly freak thing, and while I know I've been incredibly lucky with injuries in my running career, I can't believe it's a stupid little fall that's taken me out! Ugh. Trying to not be too grouchy or depressed about it, but I am definitely not feeling the most cheery right now.

It was a busy week work-wise, which kept me occupied as the leg was in no shape to do anything early in the week.

On Thursday evening, Sam had her spring chorus concert. There were some fun songs and the high school choir sounded great!

By Friday, my leg was feeling improved and I was starting to go a bit nuts. Sam wanted to go to the track meet after school to cheer on Lauren and Rohan in their events, and it was such a nice day, I told her I'd walk over there with her. First tracked movement all week. HA! 

From what I could tell, the meet was definitely not the most efficient. By the time we left, three hours later, Lauren had still not had the chance to throw the javelin, and apparently the meet went on until 9:00 pm. I mean, seriously! But we had a nice time hanging out, cheering on the runners, chatting with Laurent's parents and Rohan's mom, and I ran into a few other parent friends too. 

We finally felt at 6:30 to walk back home for dinner, and I actually think the leg felt better after a bit of movement. (1.28 miles walked)

Saturday morning, I headed downtown to pick up some donuts, do a few errands and for a short walk in the Commons. Nice, bright and sunny morning and good to be out in the woods. I'd rather have been running, but alas... first gold thread of the season, a few ladysipper leaves starting to emerge, bluebells beginning to show in the sunny spots and willow catkins looking pretty. (2.0 miles walked)

Had a mellow afternoon getting some stuff done around the house, and of course, watching the Star Wars marathon going on for the May 4th holiday πŸ˜‰ before heading over to Mom and Dad's for dinner. 

Sunday morning, I headed out for a walk around the school block. Another nice morning. (2.0 miles walked)

Then mid-morning, we headed out to pick up Lauren, as the girls were going to see the noon showing of Kung Foo Panda, and Ryan and I decided to see the Phantom Menace, which was showing in theaters for the 25th anniversary. A good thing to do on a rather dreary afternoon.

April wrap-up:
165.79 run miles
13.85 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

635.3 run miles
62.2 walk miles
0.0 XC miles