Saturday, January 17, 2009

Frozen Eyelashes

7:00 am.
5 miles.
41 minutes.
-11.4 degrees.
Damn cold.

But at least I wasn't out running when Jamie was making this video!


middle.professor said...

Sweet! I'd give you the biggest testicles award but I'm not sure that was what you were looking for! Anyway, I'm drinking coffee by the fire and not heading out until about noon - when it's double digits *above* zero.

Sparkplug said...

Jeff, I don't blame you! I'd have stayed in too, except that I really wanted to get another day of activity in this week. Ah, the things we do for our training logs :-)

Sounds like you're in for some good skiing this weekend! have fun.

Anonymous said...

It's 22 degrees here in Virginia, and I am whining about it. You really are nuts.