Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Extra Time

Now that the holidays are over, the gallery is on a reduced schedule through March, and is only open Thursday through Saturday. I will probably be working a fair number of Wednesdays at the gallery for various reasons too, but regardless it means I have an extra day or two off each week for the next few months. This is certainly a perk of the job, and I can't really complain. Except that the rest of the world keeps working, so it's not like I have extra time with Snowman for winter adventures. Ah well. Such a tough life, I know :-)

What I am really hoping to do with my extra time this winter is get in some good skiing. I even bought a pass to Pineland Farms and everything. Now we just need some snow! I also have a few small house projects planned. But sometimes, like today, it seems like the extra time just gets frittered away. Where did it go? I went and did the recycling, ran a few errands, cleaned the house, did laundry, played with the cat, spent some time at the computer and by then it was 2:00. So I put on my running gear, and headed across the street.

The sun was shining, the thermometer read 32 degrees and there was a light breeze. But I felt a bit off. I don't know what it was. I just didn't feel in the groove of the run. I was sloppy on the powerlines. I felt sluggish on the sidewalk. Ugh. But by the time I got to the back of the Highland Green development and hit the unpaved section, which was basically a light layer of snow on ice with a bit of dirt and gravel mixed in, I was feeling a bit better. Perhaps I was just a bit out of sorts from taking yesterday off? Who knows. Anyway, I ended up running the loop in the same time as I have done it without any snow or ice, so I felt good about that.

My right leg, although feeling much, much better than it has in the past few weeks, is still tight. I've been trying to be good about stretching and foam rolling, which I think has helped. But to give things an extra boost in the right direction, our wonderful friend and excellent massage therapist, Shannon, has agreed to give me a massage tonight before I join them for what sounds like a yummy dinner of stuffed squash with couscous. Sounds like a good night to me!

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