Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mini MP Run

After dropping Sam off at daycare this morning, I headed out for my run. I never ran my hill repeats last week, so figured I should do my best to get in a workout this week so as not be too much of a slacker :-) Without many miles on tap over the next few days, I decided to run the Highland Green loop with the middle 3 miles at marathon pace. I think I should just stop calling it a "marathon pace run" because even though I tried really hard today to just set my pace at hard-but-not-too-hard, and it worked for the first mile (7:56), the last two were 7:40 and 7:43. I don't really think I could sustain 7:40s for a full marathon, so it's not really a MP run, right? I think I'll just start calling it "Danielle's day to run a decent clip for a set amount of miles" run instead :-) Doesn't quite have the same ring, though, does it? Ha!

Anyway, it was another beautiful late fall morning. It was quite windy but the air was crisp and the sun was bright. I felt decent running, but can tell I've had a few too many nights of interrupted sleep recently. Still, just a mellow four miles to run tomorrow and next week will be light, so I should be able to rest up a bit before Stonecat!


sn0m8n said...

7:40 = 3:22. Totally doable.

Jeremy Bonnett said...


R. Ian Parlin said...

Course record by 20 minutes!

Sparkplug said...

Ian, ha! That would be awesome!!!

I'd like to run a 3:30 road marathon someday soonish, but 7:40s still seems like a bit of a push :-) Appreciate the love though, guys!!