Saturday, December 17, 2011

50 Miles and a Day Off

First off, a HUGE congrats to Ryan for not only completing his first 50 miler, but completing it in style, in 9:23, coming in 27th place in the Lookout Mountain race! Way to go Ryan!!!!!! We were on pins and needles all day long waiting to hear from him, and I was so happy to hear his voice soon after the finish, and hear that he sounded strong and happy, if not pretty darn tired. We are all so proud of you, Ryan! Awesome, awesome, awesome.

While Ryan ran over hill and dale today, I took a day off from running and we kept ourselves busy waiting for news from the Chattanooga hills.

We colored...

...and went up to the playground to play. Sam only wanted to swing on the swings, nothing else... and she wasn't afraid to swing high!

After which, we came inside and made and played with homemade playdough, while Sam wore one of Neenie's adorable aprons. So cute!

During clean-up, Sam played in the sink with pots and pans, and soap and water, and made a mess :-)

Later in the evening, we had a delicious pasta dinner... Can you see the pasta sauce spread across Sam's face?! :-)

...and we played hide and seek with Pippi, and raced around the house until it was time for bed! Just enough to tire a little munchkin out and put her right to sleep after bathtime :-)

These vacation days are very exciting, aren't they?! :-) But they sure are fun!

1 comment:

Scout said...

Danielle!!! I love the kitchen shots. And big time congrats to Ryan!!!!!