Friday, March 18, 2011


There was a bit more spring in my steps on this morning's 3 miler than on Wednesday's, thank goodness. The sun was breaking through the clouds as I stepped out the door, and it was already in the low 40s at 8:30am. I ran a modified version of Ryan's Patriot's Common loop, running past the high school and the middle school, and through the Patriot's Common, one of the housing complexes owned by the Naval Air Station. Nothing super exciting about the loop, but it makes for a decent 3 mile road run from home. Finished up in 24:29 and was happy to have things feeling pretty good.

Speaking of spring, I finally saw my first Red-Winged Blackbird of the season yesterday, sitting on one of the swaying cattails in the marshy area at Pleasant Cove. Hurray! Also noticed a few crocuses blooming in front of one of the stores on the sunny side of the street on my walk up to the post office yesterday afternoon. And today, flocks of Robin were foraging in the newly uncovered fields along Foreside when I drove out to drop off the recycling at the dump on my way into work. Sunday is the first official day of Spring, and it is sure feeling like it these past few days!


Scout said...

I may have sighted my first RWB bird before you, but I haven't seen any signs of anything green about to bloom. How cheery!

mindy said...

Just saw my first RWB of the season, too. Can't wait for the peepers!