Thursday, March 31, 2011


Although yesterday was beautiful, and my last "extra" day off for the winter, I didn't get out to run. The combination of getting home late on Tuesday combined with Sam feeling a bit off and subsequently getting up a lot in the night, not to mention Ronnie's yowlings at 5am, meant that I did not get a lot of sleep, and I just didn't feel great when I woke up on Wednesday. But there was work to be done, so I ran around and got the house back in order, did laundry, cleaned, cooked, grocery shopped, all of which was necessary after a week away! After all the chores were done, I think I might have changed my mind later in the afternoon and actually gone out for a run anyway, except that I was called in to pick Sam up early from daycare. She had a high fever. Poor baby girl!

She perked up a bit after some dinner and a dose of ibuprofin, but woke up in the middle of the night with yet another high temperature reading on the thermometer. We all managed to go back to sleep, but I was still tired when I woke up around 6am. However, I knew I was going to be home with Sam, so I forced myself up and out the door at 6:30am for a quick run before Ryan headed over to New Hampshire for work. It was a really pretty morning - crisp and clear, with the sun just rising above the trees as I hit the high ground on the powerlines by the high school, turning the horizon a brilliant orange. Very pretty. All things considered, I felt pretty good for the 3 miles, and I was happy what was left of the snow between the school and Highland Green Road was still nice and packed, which made the going easier.

When I got home, I made the call to Cordelia telling her that after a week away, I was going to be away for yet another day. Luckily it is still quiet at the gallery, but it was still bad timing. Of course, maybe there is never good timing for being sick! I took Sam in to the doctor after she woke up, and turns out she has an ear infection in her right ear and conjunctivitis. Poor kid. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly and she'll feel better soon.

She's sleeping at the moment, and I'm relaxing, enjoying the flurry of activity out at the birdfeeder. A pair of white-breasted nuthatches, goldfinch, juncoes, chickadees, sparrows and what I think was a house finch have been feasting away on the seeds. Must be lunchtime!

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