Monday, June 20, 2011

Simpson's Point on a Beautiful Day

I have a few things that need to get done/places I need to be this afternoon, so I took Sam into daycare this morning for an extra day. She was talking about her friends all weekend long, so I figured she would be happy to see everyone this morning. Well, apparently not. Maybe it was her restless night's sleep, her teething or this new shy/slightly clingy/attached to mommy phase when strangers are around phase that she's in right now, but she practically went into hysterics when one of her teachers tried to pick her up and take her over to the table to read a book. I took her back in my arms and cuddled her for a bit, and after a minute, her other teacher took her and they waved at me out the window as I left. Talk about tugging at my heart strings and making my "guilty mommy" meter go crazy! I know, I know, she was probably fine as soon as I got out of sight, and she needs the social interaction, but I still feel badly. Ah, the joys of parenting :-)

Anyway, since I had a bit of time this morning, it is a gorgeous day, and I needed a bit of running therapy (see above :-) ), I decided to run out to Simpson's Point. I parked at Bowdoin, and ran through the Commons, enjoying the pink laurel blooming in the pine barrens, and the cool of the woods on a perfect summer day. Once I left the woods, I hit the roads that lead through the Pennelville fields. I always love running out in this area, and today I really wished I had brought my camera. It was such a gorgeous day, and everything just looked so beautiful. A sea of white daisies, pink clover, and buttercups were blooming amongst the long grasses. Bobolinks, red-winged blackbirds, catbirds, goldfinch, sparrows and a few swallows flitted about, calling to each other. The grasses swayed in the breeze, and the blue sky above was filled with fluffy white clouds. It was low tide down at Simpson's Point, and the sunlight glimmered off the water. I stopped for a quick look, and then headed back. The return trip was into the wind, and about an hour into the run, it hit me that I was feeling pretty tired. But I managed to keep up a decent pace, and finish up with 11.2 miles. Perfect. Originally my "plan" for the weekend was 15 and 5, but 8.8 and 11.2 will do!


mindy said...

Beautiful! Looking forward to running that route with you this fall!

Sparkplug said...

Absolutely! It's definitely one of my favorite road runs around here, and the best is that approx. 1/2 the mileage is on the trails in the Commons, which makes it even better :-)