Thursday, June 2, 2011

Powerline Run

Another short run this morning, but this time on the powerlines. After all the rain we have had, and this spate of warm weather, things are green, green, green out there! In the heavy air, the perfume from the honeysuckle and the flowering shrubs smells extra sweet. Along the edge of the trail, the subtle wood anemone has been replaced by groups of pink ladyslippers, large patches of bright white bunchberry, strawberry plants and star flowers, the yellows of the blue bead lily. A few big bull frogs croak in the swampy areas, and the crows caw overhead. Amidst the trees, goldfinch and chickadees chirp, their little forms hidden from sight by the expanding leaves. The wind whips up the pollen. A summer day, indeed.


sn0m8n said...

You're way too freakin' cheery. And, that "perfume" is disgusting, sinus crushing pollen.

Scout said...

You two are too cute. Pretty balanced together : )