Monday, February 22, 2010

Five with the Family

This afternoon, since both Ryan and I had 5 miles on our schedule and it was 45 degrees out, we decided to take Sam out in the B.O.B. and run together. We went down to the bike path, and enjoyed a pleasant run together, chatting away about things that we rarely have the energy to discuss at night after putting Sam to bed, which was nice. Sam was a good girl, and was very content to watch as the world wizzed by as Ryan rolled her along. She did finally fall asleep about a half hour into the ride, which was a good thing! As it was such a warm afternoon, there were lots of people out and about, and we didn't even have to contend with any wind - hurray!

Flora and fauna notes: Saw a flock of cedar waxwing flitting about in the fruit trees along the river, and also saw a huge Immature Bald Eagle hanging out in a tree along the banks. He was there both on our way out and on the way back, and man was he a big bird! Very cool!


Jamie Anderson said...

Immature bald eagle? Did it make fart noises and like to say "poop" as you guys ran by or something?

Great job on the run. Good day for it!

Sparkplug said...

Yup, lots of fart noises coming down from the tree :-)