Saturday, February 27, 2010

Early Morning Run

Sam is starting to wake up early. Like 6am early. I am a morning person, so I don't mind, but this morning, I was planning to head out for a run so it meant Ryan had to get up and watch Sam while I was out. I don't think he is too happy that Sam is turning into a morning person! :-)

As I was getting out of bed, big wet snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Just enough to create a nice layer of slushy snow on the ground and make things messy. Since I wasn't sure what the conditions on the powerlines would be, I decided to run two loops on the high school loop. Of course, I couldn't remember if I was supposed to go out Forest or Munroe, so I added a little bit in the middle to make sure I didn't mess things up. Turns out I had gone the correct way, so my additional mini-loop around the middle school brought the total distance for the morning up to 3.5 miles. I really should have done one more lap to get to 5 miles, but I just didn't have it in me. Oh well, at least I got out there! And now it's off to work...

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