Friday, February 12, 2010

Bathtime Fun

On Wednesday, when the doctor recommended that we add olive oil to Sam's bath, I nodded. Olive oil. Sure we could do that. We have a big vat of it at home. Just add to the bath. Easy.

Then, that night, while Nate and Shannon were over having dinner with us, Sam melted down even sooner than expected - shots at the doctors office and infected eczema will do that to a little girl. I was attempting to inhale my sweet potato burrito as quickly as humanly possible and still converse with our friends, while Ryan started the bath. As he was getting her ready to put into the tub, he looked over and said, 'Hey, can you do the olive oil thing? I don't know what to do.' So, over to the tub I went, and into it I poured a healthy dose of olive oil. 'Hey, I've never done this before, so who knows?' is what I was thinking as I poured the oil in.

I then returned to the table to be sociable, while Ryan started bathing Sam. He immediately was muttering, 'Disgusting!' and 'Can you get me the bath towel?' His hands were covered with oil. Meanwhile, Sam was sliding around in the oil covered tub, and wouldn't stay upright. I couldn't stop laughing. Finally we decided to just forgo the 'clean the baby' part of bathtime, and get her out of there. Ryan wasn't sure he could pick her up without her falling to the floor, but we managed to get her into the towel without any disasters. We then were supposed to lube her up with Aquaphor, which is a seriously thick and gooey vaseliney type substance. Boy was she one greasy baby! To the side I see Ronnie, who was licking the bath towel - he loves olive oil for some reason. And the whole while, Nate and Shannon are calmly eating their burritos, bearing witness to this fiasco :-) Hey, someone needed to be there to watch and enjoy the spectacle!

Last night, I was on my own for bathtime, and I quickly decided that 1) less oil should be used and 2) it should be added at the end of bathtime, so that I could actually clean Sam first. This was much more effective, but would have been decidedly not as much fun of a spectacle to watch :-)

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