Snowman and I met up with Ian and Chuck this morning for a nice run at Bradbury. It was a bit chilly as we headed out to do one loop of the Breaker course. The trails, after all the rain we'd had, were a bit mushy and wet, not to mention icy and muddy. What's not to love?! As usual, I was slow on the way down the South Ridge Trail and Ian commented that we must value our bodies too much, instead of going all out on the downhills. Yup, no crazy all-out downhills for me... definitely something I should work on, I guess!
The rest of the run was spent on the east side. I always like winding through the trees over on these trails. Wheeee! The woods were quiet, as the trails were closed to bikers due to all the mud and muck. The ground was an interesting consistency, slightly frozen on the top and then wet, icy mud beneath. Needless to say, I finished the run with very wet feet!
It was a nice 11 miles, and fun to chat with Ian and Chuck. Even better, when we got home, we cooked up a huge breakfast. Yum!
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
22 hours ago