Wednesday, April 20, 2016

First Tooth Lost!

All of Sam's classmates lost their first teeth long ago. Finally, a few months back our dental hygenist noted that one of Sam's teeth was getting loose and we've been monitoring it ever since. And today, after only the slightly tug from Ryan, that tooth finally came out! First tooth lost ;) Sam is, needless to say, very happy ;)

Note to the tooth fairy ;)

First tooth gone!

Aside from that excitement, Ryan and I got out for a 4 mile run around the berm this morning. It was warm but breezy, with lots of turtles seen in the ponds along the way. Sam spent the day helping my mom in the garden and doing another of her favorite activities - cleaning and organizing the shells found at the beach yesterday.

Helping Neenie pot some new plants

Dirty gloves = good gardening

Getting her shell cleaning station set up

Sam and her shells

Pretty pinks and purples


Shell collection

The yard is filling up with blooming flowers and the birds have been singing like crazy. There was another tree frog sighting too - apparently one of his favorite hiding spots is in the watering can - and later, we heard him croaking/singing from up in the gutter on the edge of the screened in porch. Neat!

Iris in bloom

Another tree frog seen

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