Monday, August 5, 2013

A Day Off? Nah!

Worked until noon today and then came home to clean the house and get the cats to the vet at 2:00. I spent the whole 25 minute ride down being serenaded by a chorus of yowling and meowing from Ronnie and Gigi. A very pleasant drive, indeed ;-0 However, it was lovely to visit with Katy, although sadly, as we would have all suspected, both cats are too fat and need to go on a diet. :( In any event,  I was home by 3:00 and although I had planned to take the day off, it just seemed too nice out not to run! So, I put on my running clothes and shoes and headed out the door for a run down to the river. It was sunny and breezy, the sun was warm but the humidity was low, and it's always good to run down by the river. The run was marred slightly only by the creepy guy who said "Hey, where you headed?" as I ran by he and his friends out at the Quarry. I think my heart practically shot up into my throat. I ran up and beyond the Quarry and out onto the cart path as fast as I could before I finally slowed down once I darted back onto the singletrack into the woods. When I run early in the morning, places like the Quarry and the dump are always quiet - I guess the troublemakers like to sleep in :-) Gotta remember that for my afternoon runs!! In any event, I bypassed the Quarry on the way back and took the road. Enjoyed some nice blackberries along the way, so it was all good :-)

1 comment:

Amy Tobalske said...

Not another creepy guy! They help get the pace going for sure.