Saturday, August 17, 2013

2x Weldon Farm

We were all up early this morning so that we could fit in our runs before Ryan's grandparents came over to visit. Ryan was part of the pick-up crew, so he was out around 7:00 am for his run; I headed out about a 1/2 hour later. The plan was to get in 10 miles, so I decided to run the Weldon Farm loop twice. It was in the mid-50s when I headed out - ahhh! perfect! - and I went out trying to keep the pace easy and comfortable. Got back to the house at 5 miles, just as Dana and Ryan were headed out. Took a few swigs of Gatorade and headed out again, this time running the loop backwards. Around 7 miles, just before the hill, I needed to pee, but there is poison ivy in this area almost everywhere - ack! I saw a long driveway at the edge of a field, and hopped off the road and into the woods in an area that was thankfully PI free. Luckily no one drove down the driveway while I was there :-) Legs started to feel a bit tired near the end, but still managed to run the last 3 miles faster than the others and got in what was a decent 10 miler, all before 9am.

Spent the rest of the day hanging out with the family. Sam had a lot of fun with Great-Grammie, Bampie, Grammie and Grampie. It was a lovely day and we spent a good chunk of the day outside enjoying it. For dinner, we headed to Newburyport for a yummy mexican food dinner, a walk along the river and then a stop for ice cream. Best of all, Sam was so tired out from all the activity that she was asleep by 8:15. A win win! :-)

Playing train track with Grampie

Enjoying the beautiful day :-)

Playing ball

Bampie, lookin' cool

The girls

Newburyport evening


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