Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spring Flowers

Ended up taking Monday and yesterday off. Monday by design and yesterday because I had an early morning meeting and just didn't end up having the time. This morning's run was lackluster at best. My legs felt clunky and I simply had no energy. Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow's run will be a bit better.

It was a beautiful morning though, as we are certainly having some nice spring weather! I ran out on the powerlines, and had my first towhee sighting of the season! I can vividly remember seeing one while out on the AT and initially thinking it was an oriole :-) For some reason, this memory always makes me smile. Also ran past the pair of mallards that I always see at this time of year on the little marshy seasonal pond at the foot of the hill past Highland Green Road. I wonder if they nest there? On the return trip, as I plodded along, my eyes scanned the edge of the trail, and I noticed a few small clumps of trailing arbutus and later, several patches of wood anemone in the midst of the unfurling ferns. First blooming spring wildflowers of the season for me!

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