Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More Rain

After two beautiful days, it was back to rain. Oh well, hopefully it will mean there is less pollen in the air :-) Started my new job yesterday, and after a restless night, didn't quite get up to get a run in before heading in at 8:30. Oh well, no big deal. I'm still building back up the mileage. My schedule is going to essentially be 2 long days and 3 short days, meaning that some of the short days I'll be piggybacking other work onto, but sometimes I'll be free :-) As today was a shorter work day and I didn't have any other projects scheduled, I took advantage of the time and headed out this afternoon around 2:30 for a run before picking Sam up at daycare. Ran the Homeplace loop on the powerline trails and got in a nice 5 miles in the mist. Lots of ladyslippers popping up in the woods, their pink flowers even more evident today against the lush green of the ground cover under an overcast sky.

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