This crazy weather is just too much. The car was reading 91 degrees this afternoon when I pulled into the field house lot at 1:30. I was sweating profusely even before I started running and all I'd done was put on my socks and shoes! That is just not right. I had my handheld filled with cold water and drank it all during the 49 minutes and 5 miles that I was out there. Normally, I can run the flat trails in the Commons pretty quickly but today, I literally felt like I was being suffocated out there by the heavy air and oppressive heat and it was all I could do to shuffle along. Ugh!
Despite the fact that the woods didn't offer the respite they normally would, I was happy to see 1 jack-in-the-pulpit, lots of starflowers, false lily of the valley and violets, 3 painted turtles sunning themselves on a log in the 2nd pond, the rhodora still blooming in the pitch pine forest and the blueberry bells out. I also counted 100+ ladyslippers, which is the whole reason I headed to the Commons today. The ladyslippers must love the make-up of the soil in that area as there are always an enormous number of them out at this time of year. Ryan thinks I'm crazy but honestly, even in the heat, I was not hallucinating and seeing ladyslippers that weren't there ;)
After the run, I picked up Sam and we headed south to NYA to watch Lillie's final lacrosse game and to meet up with my parents and the rest of the Raymond clan who had flown in for the weekend for Lillie's graduation. It was way to hot to be outside, and I hadn't managed to truly cool off after my run, so I was more than happy to make an exit after the first half and head to dinner. I did make an attempt to replenish the salt I lost today by ordering a big margarita on the rocks with salt at dinner - not sure it helped in that regard, but it did taste good :-)
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
22 hours ago