Monday, January 2, 2012


Got in a quick 3 miles this morning around 8am. It felt like spring - in the low 40s, and bright and sunny. What is up with this weather?! I, however, did not wear shorts! Sorry, Jim :-) Not much of import to be said about the 26 minutes I was out there. I did feel a bit tired, as if my body was saying 'Hey, you've now run 6 days in a row. What's up with that?' Running so many days in a row, even though they haven't been huge days, isn't something I do regularly, and it just felt like it was catching up with me this morning. Only two days in the year and I'm pondering a zero day! Aie :-)

While the run was neither good nor bad, the best part of the day so far has been this afternoon, while sitting and watching the birds at the feeder with Sam. She had finished her lunch and was having a little snack when she passed the baggie of cereal to me, and said, "I ready for nigh-nigh now." And just like that, she was up in her crib for naptime and fast asleep. LOVE IT!

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