Monday, January 16, 2012


More snowmobilers have been out on the powerlines near us since naptime yesterday. Thank you riders! Definitely makes the running easier. A path had been driven down the regular Mt. Ararat hill, so I was able to go out the typical way without looping through the woods. I ran the lines to Lover's Lane and turned around. Despite the fact that it was 22 out (ie. 12 degrees warmer than yesterday's run!), it felt colder. Maybe because yesterday I was assuming the worst, while today, I wore less and was expecting it to be warmer? Or maybe it was the wind. Anyway, it was sunny out, the air was crisp, the trails were quiet, and the run was a few minutes faster so it all worked out ok.

Despite feeling better, and getting in a good run, I felt in a funk. We ended up having a three-day weekend together, but Saturday I was only home because I was coughing and sounded terrible, Sunday it was freezing out and Ryan was feeling terrible, and today, Ryan still felt bad (but at least went to the doctor to get some meds), so except for a last-minute, fun excursion that Sam and I took to visit Morgan and Kristen late Saturday afternoon for a bit of playtime and pizza at Ricetta's, and a grocery trip that the two of us took this morning, we'd done nothing outside of the house. Sam did really well playing at home all weekend long, but I just felt badly about it. So, after Sam woke up from her nap, I was determined that we get out to do something! Anything! We dragged Ryan with us too. Of course, we're all in varying states of sickness/recovery from being sick, so we didn't do much. We headed to LLBean to "see the fishies," which lasted all of 30 seconds, and then spent almost an hour upstairs in the kid section, Sam drawing on the giant chalkboard and running laps over and over through the tree house. We followed that up with dinner at Bucks and gelato at Gelato Fiasco.


I felt much better when we got home. Mission accomplished. No more funk! Of course, it could have been the Alan's Coffee Brandy gelato I had (yes, you read that right! Alan's Coffee Brandy gelato!) :-) YUM!

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