Sunday, January 8, 2012


My eyes feel heavy. My legs feel heavy. While Sam has never been a good sleeper, the past two nights she has really not been a good sleeper. She's got some sort of cold and cough (and hopefully not an ear infection)  which seem to really be bothering her at night, when she is lying flat, and last night, she was up basically on the hour every hour from 10:00ish to 5:00ish, with some terrific screaming and crying in between. We're down at Ryan's parents for the weekend, so we were all up a lot last night, and everyone is tired. Luckily, Sam is sleeping right now, and hopefully she'll have a better night tonight once we're home. I'm not betting on it, but I'm hoping for it!

Despite being tired, I decided I should take advantage of naptime, and get in a run. I had hoped Ryan would be joining me, but his IT band is still bothering him, so I was on my own. I ran the Weldon Farm loop, getting in 5 miles in 38:50. Nothing like a essentially flat route to enable a quick pace. And besides, I figured that if I didn't push it a bit and just meandered along, I might just find myself curled up on the side of the road for my own nap :-)

1 comment:

mindy said...

Poor Sam, and poor you guys....does not sound like a good night. Hope she's feeling better!