Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The past two mornings, Sam has asked for rice "with cheeeeezzzz!" for breakfast. Yesterday, when that is what she wanted, I had to smile, as I couldn't help remembering my sister Kristen, who was never one to like traditional breakfast foods, eating rice for breakfast many mornings when we were growing up. I emailed my mom and sister to share with them that Sam was continuing the Raymond tradition of non-traditional breakfast foods. My mom wrote back to say that she had had 1/2 a chicken salad sandwich for breakfast, and Kristen replied that Morgan had eaten dumplings for breakfast. Well, OK then :-)


What a beautiful sunny, bright morning! I got in a nice six miles on the trails, although I was way over dressed! Lots of bird sightings today, which was fun. About a mile into the run, a Hairy Woodpecker flew overhead. I stopped to watch it, as it flitted from one tree to the next until it finally settled on the ground, hopping around and pecking at this and that. As I was returning on the powerlines, I watched a big hawk fly silently over the brush. It was a bit too far away for a concrete identification but I am thinking it was likely a red-shouldered hawk based on its rusty-orange breast. Then, as I was coming up the powerline hill onto the Mt. Ararat tower road, there was a huge uproar in the top of the pine trees. A small murder of crows was making quite a racket! Lots of juncos, goldfinch, sparrows and robins out and about too.

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