Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our Little Character

Sam is talking up a storm these days. She is quite the chatterbox, and some of the things she says/does these days are just a riot. She certainly is a little character! In an effort to document some of these things for posterity's sake (or future embarrassment down the road), here is a random recent list of "Samisms":

We will listen to her on the monitor at night after I've put her down to sleep, and she'll be singing "Baby Bumblebee," "Happy Birthday," "Baa Baa Black Sheet" and/or the ABC song to herself, over and over. She tattles on herself, telling me the other day when I picked her up from daycare, "Sammy time out. Pull Annie hair." (Gotta love two year olds!) She loves to narrate everything we do, everything she sees in front of her, and give us precise directions on what she would like us to do next.

 "Mama sit box too!"

She loves to help around the house. She will grab her broom, dustpan and little brush, and say "Help mama clean. Sweep bathroom." She just learned how to put her hands in her sweatshirt pockets yesterday morning, and was running around the house with the sweatshirt zipped all the way up, hood up and hands in her pockets, giggling like mad. She loves to have us run with her around the house, back and forth, back and forth, from the stair landing to the dishwasher. "Run Mama run!" The other night, after Ryan got home from being away for two days/nights, she ran up to give him a hug and said "Missing you Daddo." Wrong tense, but oh so adorable.

This morning, while I was out running, Ryan managed to catch her singing Happy Birthday to Pippi on his IPhone. We've been practicing, so that she would be prepared to tell Dad "Happy Birthday" this morning, and after a few tries she actually did say it to him over the phone, but I'm glad we have this video too. So cute :-)

Happy Birthday Pippi!


In running news, I went out for a nice 6 miles on the cart path yesterday, and got in 4 this morning, to round out the week at 25 miles. The mornings have been nice and sunny and crisp. Great for running!

1 comment:

mindy said...

Perfect day for running, indeed! Love the Sam-isms, too!!