Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cool and Misty

This seems to be a trend. The weather so far this spring has been cool and wet, with lots of misty and rainy mornings. Oh, we've had a few beautiful blue skies mixed in, but spring seems to be taking its sweet time truly settling in. The trees are budding, flowers are blooming and the grass is getting greener, but not with the intensity and speed I expect at this time of year. Well, this sort of weather is good for running anyway :-) There's no risk of overheating when you head out at 8:45am and it is 49 degrees, overcast and misting!

I headed out onto the powerlines to do the 5 mile Homeplace loop. I had actually hoped to get in a longer run this morning, but Sam woke up at 5am, screaming and crying, and then Ronnie woke up, yowling away, and I just couldn't go back to sleep, even once things quieted down with the little ones. I padded downstairs to sit at the computer, have a snack and some coffee, but it was so dreary out and there was not much of excitement to read, so after a while, I pulled a nice, warm blanket off the top of the couch and curled up there with the cats, eyes closed. I even managed to fall back to sleep for a bit, and when Sam finally did wake up it was 7:30! Needless to say, we didn't get to daycare early, so by the time I got out to run, I didn't have as much time as I had once envisioned. But it was a nice run, nonetheless. The Towhees called, goldfinch flitted about, and the ground was filled with spring flowers - the white bell flowers on the blueberry plants are emerging, bluets, and purple and white violets are coming up everywhere, there are big patches of wood anemone plus one small patch of what looked to be rue anemone, and a few trailing arbutus plants too, along the powerlines. Always fun to see what is coming up at this time of year! I tried to keep the pace mellow and even, and was happy to see that even thought things felt pretty easy, I finished up the run in 45:15. Not fast, but not slow, so I'll take it! :-)

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