Monday, October 21, 2013

Heath Loop

Ryan was gone all day yesterday, manning the aid station out on Lawrence Road on the BBU course, so there was no running for me. But it was just as much fun (or maybe more) to hang out at said aid station yesterday for a few hours. It was the perfect day for a run. Crisp and nice with a bit of a breeze. Everyone looked like they were having fun out there, despite the evidence of many trips and falls, and the fact that a lot of people kept asking for new legs when Ryan asked them what they needed. Ha. It was fun to cheer on the Trail Monster team while we were out there, and have a chance to catch up with people too. I was thrilled that Sam was so enthused and wanted to stay and hang out. In fact, when we left on a mission to get more propane for the stove and I asked her if she wanted to stop for lunch at Edna & Lucy's on the way back, she said, no, she wanted to get right back to the aid station ;) A little trail runner and volunteer in the making! Mindy, Val, Ian and all the volunteers put on a great race and it really showed! Nice job guys!

I did get out this afternoon for a run around the Heath in between regular work and working on newsletter stuff. It was a nice break on yet another beautiful fall day. On the return trip, I received a stern reprimand from an older woman driving along the 5th hole in her golf cart as I was making my way back from the Heath path to the Quarry turn-off. I tried to explain that I was being careful and was just using the cart path for this one short stretch between trails but she wasn't having it. I finally just thanked her and we parted ways. I'm planning on running the cart paths tomorrow, but since it won't even be light out when I'm out there in the pre-dawn hours, hopefully she won't be able to find fault with that if I should meet her out there! ;)

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