Monday, October 28, 2013

Around the Block

We had a full and fun day yesterday. Morgan and Kristen came over in the morning and met Sam and I for donuts - pumpkin with vanilla glaze - yum! - and then the girls played together until lunchtime. And then Anne, Thistle, Phil and Kristen came over in the afternoon for some Halloween/fall-themed arts and crafts and some playtime too. We didn't get around to painting or craving pumpkins while they were over, so that was the evening's task. Sam drew the design on the pumpkin, Ryan was the carver and I roasted the pumpkin seeds :-)

Happy pumpkin!

This morning I was up and out for an easy 3-miler around the block. I didn't head out until 6:00 am so by the time I reached the powerlines, I had a pretty nice view of the early sunrise along the horizon - a band of hot pink below fiery orange with midnight blue above. Legs feel good. Starting to make lists in my head of what I need to bring with us this weekend, and am just hoping that the forecast and not the forecast is the correct one for Saturday. I like 0% chance of rain much better than 40%!

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