Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Crescent Moon

29 degrees at 6:00 am. Brrr. 2nd-to-last run before Stonecat! Out I went, into the dark morning, the space before me lit with the glow of my headlamp. Up above, the sky was dark except for the glow of the moon, crescent-shaped and golden.

Had an appointment with Dr. Jamie on Monday just to make sure all was well going into the weekend, and have been slowly adding to my list of things to bring for the race and packing up my plastic bin with items I want to have at the start/finish area. I'm very excited that both Mindy and Amy will be joining me for a lap each during the race. Thank you, guys! The original plan had called for Ryan to pace me for the final 2 laps, but with his achilles acting up over the past month, that unfortunately wasn't going to happen. He's bummed and I'm bummed, but I know I'll be in good hands with Amy and Mindy, and of course, Ryan will be at the start/finish area manning the TMR aid station, so I won't be lacking in support! Can hardly believe the race is in a few days.

In other news, Sam has taken to dreaming at night. The other night, I woke with a start to hear her yelling out, quite loudly, "Hey!" When I asked her about it in the morning, she said she had had a dream about Ronnie and Gigi. They are always getting into her stuff, with Gigi sitting on her pictures and Ronnie eating her Cheerios, so I guess I'm not surprised she was yelling at them in her dream :-) Too funny.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Best of luck on Sunday! Sounds like your primed for a good run. Enjoy it!