Saturday, October 12, 2013

Birthday Party Chaos

I started out today with a run down along the river on a lovely, if oddly humid, morning. The woods were calm and quiet, the downed maples leaves a brilliant red at my feet, the leaves in the shallows of the river a rich gold, the sky a deep gray above. I ran the Snowplug 50k loop, so as to pick up the remaining flags in place along the river. I was happy to see they had already replaced the rotting bridge after the field - very nice not to be fearful of falling through a rotting log as I ran across :-)

Then it was onto the chaos of the day - it was birthday party time! Sam was practically bouncing off the walls waiting for her party at the Rumpus Room this afternoon. Since Sam and her best friend Anne are only 4 days apart in age, and Anne very luckily has cool parents we like to hang out with, we chose to do a joint birthday party. Both girls were very excited! As parents, we were fearful :-) But amazingly, the kids were all great. There were no tantrums, no crying, no cracked heads, no major slips or falls. Just kids running around the indoor playroom like crazy banchees! Ha. Honestly, it went much more smoothly than I anticipated, and I know everyone had a lot of fun.

After the party, the family assembled at our house, for birthday party #629 :-) Just kidding, it was probably only #6 :-) Talk about a weeklong affair! We all chatted while Sam and Morgan played, enjoyed delicious pizza from Flipside and feted with yet more cake. Why not?

All in all, a successful day! And now, it is time for bed so I can get up and run 18 miles tomorrow morning...

Ball pit fun!

The birthday girls :-)

So excited

Sam and Morgan


Fun with Lillie back at home

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