Thursday, September 6, 2012


There was a heavy dew on everything this morning when I headed out for my run. The grass sparkled, and the spiders had apparently been very busy overnight, as evidenced by the long strands of webbing strung across the trails. In the brush under the powerlines, neat, round little webs looked like Christmas ornaments hung between branches and leaves. I ran past clusters of late summer asters, some of which were taller than me! On the return trip, a gaggle of turkeys crossed the dirt road in front of me - as I got closer, I was able to count eight little guys, and three more mature looking birds. I wonder if it was in fact two families traveling together and I just didn't see the other parent? Or do older birds stay with the flock sometimes? They chattered amongst themselves as I ran by.

The run itself was fine, but nothing special. I didn't have the energy I had hoped for, and my right leg was tight again. Grrr. Maybe Monday's run, almost all on pavement, at a "quick" pace, was too much? Oh well, hopefully a little extra rolling and stretching over the next few days will help, and I'll feel good for the Bruiser on Sunday!

1 comment:

Scout said...

beautiful description :D

Yeah, the male turkeys don't stay with the females, so you could have seen two moms and their babies with another female with them or any combination. The females seem to start hanging out together again as fall moves in.