Sunday, August 29, 2010


I had hoped to sleep in a bit today, but no such luck :-) Ronnie was meowing like crazy in the bathroom at 6am. He has taken to doing this when he wants attention, so as I didn't want him to wake up Sam, I got up and went downstairs to get him his breakfast. I could have gone back to bed, but decided I would just start the coffee, get some breakfast, and sit and relish in the quiet for a while :-) It was a nice, relaxing way to start a day off, even if it was early!

Sam was up at 7am, and after playing with her for a bit, I headed out the door for my run on the 5 mile Homeplace loop. It was already feeling muggy and warm - summer has not left us yet! - and I was feeling a bit tired, although I still managed to run at a pretty good clip, so that was nice. Today's run caps off my week at 30 miles. I was feeling pretty good about that mileage until I read Jamie's blog! Ha! I don't think I'll be running a 70+ week anytime soon (or even in this lifetime), so really I'm happy with my 30 miles :-)

After a quick shower, it was time for Ryan to head out for his long run. Gotta love the "tag" we play these days to get our running in, but it seems to be working pretty well! Hopefully Ryan isn't melting out there - it is pretty hot right now!


Jamie Anderson said...

Higher mileage also leads to more injuries, which I've had my fair share of, so don't be jealous. Well done on the run! Good to get out before the heat of the day.

sn0m8n said...

I melted.