Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sam at 23 Months+: A Few Quick Updates

We've given up counting Sam's words these days, as new things are coming out of her mouth all the time. Tonight, when she was babbling away after I put her in her crib, we heard her say "ba ba black sheep" over the monitor. They must be singing that at daycare, as we haven't taught her that one! She knows that her heart is in her body. She knows when something is the "last one" and can say it too. This morning, when we were playing with her stickers, she asked for the "dark blue happy face" (not said entirely clearly but clear enough!). We have the books "Goodnight Maine" and "Goodnight Cape Cod" and she can say "Maine" and "Cape Cod"! She knows that Mama, Sammy, Neenie, Grammie and Gigi are girls, and Daddo, Pip Pop, Grampie and Ronnie are boys. And yes, she calls herself Sammy! :-)

Of course, just as she is easily picking up sounds and words from our mouths, she has become very aware of noises, and will stop and put her finger to her ear when she hears a noise. Some of these noises, like trucks beeping or airplane noises, are starting to scare her, and she wants to sit on my lap to be "protected" from them. She is also learning to count, which is just incredibly adorable! She's still working on it though :-) Unless counting from one to ten goes: "One, Two, Three, Five, Seven, Nine!" Ha! :-)

She is growing up fast, and it is hard to believe that in less than a month, we will have a two year old on our hands! Amazing how time flies.

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