Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I know a lot of people aren't fans of the taper, but honestly, I think there is something nice about having a week or two of running where there isn't much pressure to go long or do too much. I often feel like I am trying to cram more, more, more into my weeks (and at this, I often fail anyway), so it is a good change of pace to have a few days before a race where a short run is all that is needed. And it's even nicer when, on a cool and rainy morning, the only thing on tap is a short 3 miler. Sure, I got wet, but when you're only out for 25 minutes, what's a bit of rain? :-)

The rest of the week calls for 2 more short runs before Sunday's Bruiser. Nothing like a race in the middle of a taper :-) And then, it's only another week of a few easy runs before Pisgah!!!


Scout said...

Wow! Since you really only decided (at least publicly ;) to run, it seems hard to believe there's tapering already! Looking forward to catching up Sunday!

Sparkplug said...

I know, it is crazy! I wish I had a bit more time, but I'll go with what I've got, and see what happens!