Friday, April 23, 2010


This morning I was actually up and out of bed at 5:40 as planned to get in my early morning run. I got dressed, had a small snack, stretched a bit and was just heading back upstairs to tell Ryan I was leaving when I realized Sam was stirring in her crib. She has started to roll over onto her stomach when sleeping, which is fine, but when she is in a very light sleep just prior to waking up while on her tummy, she shifts her head a lot, crunches her legs up as if she's trying to crawl and half of the time, ends up on her side, with one arm flailing around. It is quite a sight :-) And by the time she's done with all her shifting, she has waken herself up! Oh well. So, instead of heading right out, Sam and I played a bit, I fed her and we tried some pears and avacado a bit later. She was more interested in the sippy cup than anything else, but she is getting better! Then a bit later, when it was obvious she was feeling tired again (or still, I'm not quite sure which!), I put her down for an early morning nap, and headed out the door at 7:40. Only a few hours later than intended, but I was out there!

I ran across the street and onto the powerlines. The sky was filled with low clouds, and a thin band of light was showing along the horizon. The scrub brush was tinted with a light wash of greens and yellows and reds, as buds start to open and leaves form. I even noticed some of the blueberry plants already sporting their beautiful bell-shaped flowers, and the buds of the sheep laurel were looking a bit pink. It is always fun to run at this time of year and watch the landscape change as spring progresses. A nice quiet morning for a run and good to get out!

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