So today, I finally managed to actually get up and out for a scheduled early morning run! It wasn't easy, but I did it. Sam was up a lot last night (meaning 10:30, 1:30, 3:30), and I so wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep when the alarm went off at 5:15. But instead, I dragged myself out of bed, got organized, fed Sam when she woke up at 5:30 (what is up with the wake-ups?!) and put her back down to sleep, and managed to get out the door at 5:55. The day was already bright and sunny, even at such an early hour, although a bit cool still. I headed across the street to do the 4.75 mile Highland Green loop, enjoying watching the robins, goldfinch, phoebes and bluejays flit about as I ran by.
Although I was happy to be out, I felt pretty creaky. I'm sure this has to do with the fact that I took 3 days off from running before today. Yikes! I could have gone out last night after Sam went to bed because Ryan got home in time for bathtime, but there is a reason why, in the end, I decided not to (or perhaps it is just an excuse?!)...
My next big run on my schedule is a 22 miler. Originally I had planned to run it on Sunday. But Ryan's parents are coming up for the weekend, and so 1) I don't want to miss out on 4 hours of the day with them when I'll be working on Saturday while they're here and 2) I don't want to wait until they leave, as it will make me antsy all day long wondering when and if I'm actually going to get my run in. No big deal, I thought, I'll run on Monday. But come to find out, Ryan has to go over to New Hampshire for the day, meaning that day is out too, as there is no way in hell I am pushing the B.O.B. for 22 miles! So, where does this leave me? Well, it leaves me with two options: 1) don't do the 22 miles or 2) if I want to get the 22 miles in, get up and run them tomorrow morning before work. Gulp! Not ideal, but doable as long as I can actually get myself out the door! I will certainly be recruiting Ryan to help with Sam duties tonight, and also to make sure I am up and out of bed extra early so that I can be gone by 5:30. If I leave at 5:30, I should be back between 9:00 and 9:20. This is cutting it close, but it will work. So, it seemed sort of silly to go out last night and run 3 miles, then 5 this morning and then 22 Saturday, when really in this scenario, the 3 probably won't help much... So anyway... wish me luck tomorrow morning! I'll be out wandering the powerlines and along the Cathance, and will hope that after 22 miles, I can still be awake enough at work for the day!
Ah, the crazy things we do for running :-) Now, remind me, why do I want to run the 50k at Pineland?! It is a lot of work to train for a long race like this (and I'm not even saying I'm going to go into it truly prepared!). Wouldn't sitting at home on the couch that day (and all these other days) be so much easier?! Nah! That would be pretty dull... And besides, then I wouldn't get to eat all the ice cream I plan to eat on Saturday night... you know, gotta replace those calories :-)
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
23 hours ago