Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Running with Friends

Had a nice run yesterday for the first time in way too long with Shannon. Met her at her house at 6:00 am and we ran a good loop through the BTLT trails around Crystsl Spring Farm for 6 miles. 

Tonight, Amy and I met up at Pineland for a night run. Of course we ran into the campus police first :) but the officer was nice enough to let us stay parked and head out on our run. Well, we ate our donuts first... ;) 

Donuts at dark

Really humid out but fairly cool. We ran out through the fields to the yurt. Turned off our lights and looked up at the murky but still starry night. Tons of little wood frogs jumping across the trail and one rustle in the bushes that intrigued me enough to take a look - it was a big porcupine trundling away :) Fun! Got in a good 7+ miles, chatting away and testing out our bright as all get-out headlamps :) Always good to run with Amy! 

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