Saturday, February 1, 2014

Swim, Run, Coffee

Sam and I met up with Ryan last night at Frontier for dinner, and as we were sitting there waiting for dessert, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was just plain exhausted. No wonder yesterday's run didn't go as planned. I actually slept fairly well last night, which was nice, and didn't wake up until 7:00 am, happy Amy and I had decided to skip out on our planned early morning run (well, only because I needed the sleep, not because I didn't want to run with her!). Sam and I headed to swim lessons while Ryan went out for his run, and then she and I joined Anne, Thistle and Phil at the farmer's market for pretzels, top spinning, and produce gathering. Sam is doing great in her swim class, and today, I watched as she jumped off the side (holding the teacher's hands), totally immersing herself in the water, and later swam around the pool with her noodle. She really does love the water and these lessons have been great for her!

We got home and were eating lunch when Amy messaged me wondering if I was up for coffee a little later in the afternoon. I was, but I also wanted to get in a few miles at least, so I threw on my clothes and headed right out, getting in a quick 3 miles around the block. It was supposed to be a recovery run, but sometimes it's tough to run slow on the flat roads. Managed to keep it at 9:00 pace at least. Amy and I spent a quiet hour or so drinking coffee with big chocolate chip cookies on the side and catching up. Good to see her even if it wasn't for a run!

The plan had been for me to meet Ryan and Sam up at the Bowdoin Art Museum, but Sam was pretty tired out, so I headed home and we sat and colored and read books until dinnertime instead. And here's the best part, at dinner tonight, Sam actually tried a few chickpeas (and liked them!). Then, she had some of the chicken and liked it; and agreed to try the chickpeas and chicken mixed with the sauce and rice - you know, just like we were eating! It was the first time she's ever eaten a bean to my knowledge, and the first time I've ever seen her actually eat a "mixed" meal with the exception of pasta with sauce (but no tomatoes, ie. chunks). It's only taken four+ years! Hurray! Maybe she's going to be OK after all :-)

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