Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fitting It All In

Worked from 9:00 to 12:00 yesterday and then headed home to run and do all that needed to be done to head south for Meghan's shower. Didn't quite have as much time to run as I had hoped, but got in a very soggy 5.75 miles. Hardly ever seen the trails so wet. Many, many deep puddles and the river and its little tributary streams were all roaring. Slow going but nice to get out. Then I managed to cram in a haircut, get the house cleaned up and the car packed before picking Sam up from daycare and getting down to Portland to pick up Ryan at 5:00. Phew! 

This morning, Ryan and I headed out for a morning run before the festivities started. It was 8:30am, and way too muggy for me. Blah! Still, we managed a decent time for the 5-mile Weldon Farm loop, and came home soaked. The rest of the day was spent with family and friends, celebrating the baby-to-be. Everyone had a lot of fun, and Sam was the perfect little helper, opening cards and presents, picking  up trash, and being very social given that there were a lot of people around whom she didn't know. It was fun to celebrate, and have a chance to see everyone!

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