Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I think I might have to join Xar and Valerie as an IRS member. Oh, I can get to sleep, but if I wake up for any reason, I cannot go back to sleep. And since I have a 3 year old who oftens wakes up in the night (although less now than before) because she's lost her stuffie, or she's tangled in her blankets, or she's catapulted herself out of bed, and I have two cats who love to sleep on my side of the bed, well,  you get the idea. Damnation. I really could use some sleep! In any event, I was up and out the door before 5:30 this morning for my run. Part by design, because Ryan needed to run before work this morning too, and part, well, see above :-)

It was wonderfully blissful to step out into the cool air. Ahhh! That's more like it. Enjoyed a nice 4 mile wander on the trails and roads. The swamp iris are blooming, the honeysuckle smells sweet, the pink laurel is starting to come out along the powerlines and there are still a few ladyslippers to be found in the shadows too. Followed the wet paw prints of someone - beaver? woodchuck? raccoon? - along the bog bridges at the bottom of the Heath near the outlet pond, but didn't see anything. Home and done before 6:00 am, and now enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before the kiddo wakes up. Pretty good way to start the day, I'd say.

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