Friday, July 13, 2012


Sam woke up yesterday cheery and basically back to her normal self but still pretty tired. I guess that is totally understandable - I'd probably be tired after a day like Wednesday too! In fact, I was tired, I just hadn't gone through the surgery myself :-) We sent her into daycare like normal and it sounded like she did fine, just a little wiped out. But the good news is that we sent her in wearing big kid pants and although she had two small accidents, she managed to poop on the potty there, which in the potty training world is VERY exciting!

Unfortunately, despite how tired she was, we didn't get to bed early and I think she was just so overtired that she didn't sleep great, and so we were up bright and early this morning, and neither of us were very cheery about it. Oh well. Hopefully she'll nap at daycare today and then tomorrow when she's home with Ryan she can get in a marathon nap, which should right things a bit.

I needed to start baking Scuffle prizes and get in a run too, amongst other things, so I got Ryan up and went out for my run before dropping Sam off at daycare. I had planned on a long run this morning, but I just didn't have the energy, so 3.5 miles to round out the week at 20.0 it was :-) I ran the regular Highland Green loop and added a loop of Ryan's Mt. Ararat snowshoe course. It was hot and muggy even at 7:15am. Seems like it just going to be one of those summers!

Won't have time to get a run in tomorrow, and then the Scuffle is on Sunday! Can't say I think I'll be a top contender but it is always fun to have a chance to run at Bradbury with friends!

1 comment:

Scout said...

sounds like you're all recovering. yay! potty training!