Friday, June 29, 2012


Well, this morning's run felt a bit more labored than hippy trippy happy, but oh well. I got in 5 miles on the Homeplace loop, a loop I haven't run in so long that I forgot to add the little Mt. Ararat trail loop before continuing out on the powerlines! Oh well, added it on at the end and all was good. It was raining when I started out, but stopped soon after, leaving the air feeling soupy and heavy. Nothing like 99.99% humidity! I'll chalk up my slightly raspy breathing to the humidity, although in all honesty, I'm sure it's from lack of conditioning too. I've consciously kept the past 4 weeks of running very easy so as to keep any injuries at bay, with my weekly mileage starting at 7.0, moving up to 10.5 and 13.5 the past two weeks,  and ending with 16 miles this week. While it pains me to admit that I feel slow and out of shape, especially with the Scuffle coming up, I know that the low, slow mileage ramp-up was the right thing to do. The plan is to let the mileage creep up through the 20s during July, and then hope that some solid mileage in August, September and October will put me in good stead for Stonecat.


R. Ian Parlin said...

Ryan could learn a lot from you.

unstrung said...

Danielle, you rock. Amazing restraint. You'll be crazy solid by StoneCat for sure.