Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Ryan disapproved of my running this morning, as Sam hasn't been letting us get much sleep the past few days and that is certainly hampering my recovery, but honestly, my legs felt pretty good and I figured 3 slow miles wasn't going to do much harm. In fact, I was hoping getting in a little run might give me a bit more energy! Either that or the second cup of coffee I'm about to drink :-)

I hit the powerlines down to Topsham Crossing, running through the cold mist. The legs held up fine, but I definitely felt an overall sense of fatigue. Enjoyed my first Towhee sighting of the season - I have fond memories of this noisy bird, who I first saw back in 2005 along the trail in the south. I remember seeing it digging through the leaf matter at the side of the trail and wondering if it was an oriole. Ha. I came to realize later that it was a Towhee after borrowing a fellow thru-hiker's bird book. I love that we have a resident pair (or maybe two?) right near home. In typical dorky fashion, once I picked him out in the bush, I stopped to say a quick hello before continuing on :-) Also saw a hawk, sitting serenely on the powerline, looking intently down into the grass for prey. On the way out, it was facing toward me, and as I headed back in, it had turned around, back toward me. Maybe a juvenile red-tail? Hmmm. Not sure. Other than that, lots of other birds out flitting about, mostly sparrows, and a few good patches of wood anemone and trailing arbutus along the trail edge too.

Another rest day on tap for tomorrow, and will probably run on Friday again. 

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