As this blog serves not only as my (sometimes long-winded) training log, but also as Sam's baby book, I thought I should note that Sam is officially saying her first word! Yes, she says "mamamamama" and "dada" and we *think* she's said "hiiiii" a few times, but she is unmistakably saying "that" these days. She points to something, anything, and says "dat," and then to something else, "dat." So cute :-)
And for the sake of more record keeping:
She is finally actually clapping with open palms instead of just putting her fists or fingers together like she's been doing for months, and waves "bye bye" on command and not 2 minutes after the fact :-)
She is cruising around, albeit slowly and deliberately, and sometimes holding onto one of my hands, along the edges of some of the furniture and walls. She can walk on her own between the couch and coffee table though!
And yesterday, she pulled herself up to her feet while she was holding onto the edge of one of our kitchen table chairs. Ryan was working on his computer at the kitchen table, as he does every day he's working from home, and late in the afternoon, she kept crawling over to him, wanting to be picked up so that she could sit on his lap and bang on the keyboard. So cute :-)
The first tooth is officially up and out, although for the life of me I can't get a picture of it, even though you can see it when she smiles.
Also, the beginning of the transition to whole milk went well this weekend. We simply put a few ounces of whole milk into her sippy cup at lunchtime and she drank it up. She does love her sippy! Over the next few weeks, we'll work on transitioning her snacktime sippy cups to milk too, but for now I'm happy the first few days went so smoothly!
She is changing before our very eyes :-)
Junior Nationals 2025
2 weeks ago