No, no, not that kind of fat ass, but a fat ass "race" with our Trail Monster friends. Erin and Blaine were our generous hosts for today's event, and a big group of us turned out to run this morning. Ryan took first shift on "Sam duty" so I suited up and went out with the group on the 8-mile loop. Jim had the most creative attire on - sporting a gorgeous pink thong on top of his running clothes. Why? I have no idea! - while the rest of us were bundled up more appropriately for the run. It was pretty chilly - I think it might have reached double digits by the time we started out around 8:30 - but it was sunny and there was no wind, so I warmed up pretty quickly as we wound our way across various fields on some icy snowmobile trails and on the narrow singletrack trails of a local preserve.
Mindy nicely hung out in the back of the pack with me, and we had fun catching up, since I haven't seen her since right after Sam was born! Blaine popped back now and then to see how we were doing, and in the last few miles, Valerie ran with us too, which was nice! Thanks guys! I haven't been on a group run like this since sometime in April, so it was a great change of pace. As always, the group spread out a bit as we ran along, but the fast guys at the front stopped at pertinent trail junctions to make sure we were all on track. The loop took us 1:20 and by the last section on the road, I was definitely feeling all the lateral movements I'd been making across the uneven terrain on the fields, but overall felt good and was happy to get in a good long trail run with friends. Thanks guys!
When we got back in to Erin and Blaine's, Ryan was suited up to run and Sam was asleep. A number of us stopped after one lap, but the rest of the group went back out. Those of us who stayed behind enjoyed the vast spread of yummy food and sat, talking, relaxing and watching Sam as she squirmed on the activity mat once she woke up. It was a great morning and lots of fun to catch up with the gang!
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
22 hours ago