Friday, June 2, 2017

Catch Up

Tuesday was a day off for Sam so she hung out with Mom and Dad while I went into work. I met up with them for a short bit down at the farmer's market where they were choosing plants for pots out front. Turned out quite nicely!

They were able to see Sam swim at swim club, which was great too!

I had planned a zero day from running on Tuesday but ended up not running on Wednesday either. Oh well. Just did not feel like getting up in on a cold rainy morning to run. Luckily, the rain cleared out in time for Sam's last Wednesday XC meet of the spring season! Although she got a bit mired up in the pack early on, she really showed her strength and managed to come in 15th overall! Proud of my strong (not so) little one 💕💕

It was fun for my parents to be able to catch another of Sam's meets and it was so nice to have them visit!

Yesterday, I got up and out for a 6 mile run along the cart paths on a misty morning. Saw one turkey and one hawk that I couldn't quite identify. My legs felt a bit heavy so just kept things nice and mellow. Later in the day, Ryan and I joined Sam's XC team for the last practice of the season, the Dairy Queen run! The run ended up being 1.5 miles and all the kids did great. We ran with the 1/2 milers and as Ryan said, it was a bit like herding cats, but hey, we got ice cream at the end ;) Always fun!

This morning after dropping Sam off at school I headed over to the field house to run a loop around Brunswick. My own personal celebration of the fact that I've been running on the trails and roads around town for 20+ years! (Yes, it's our 20th reunion this weekend, which is just plain nuts. Where does time go?!) It was an incredibly gorgeous morning with cool temps, blue skies and billowing clouds. Bobolinks were chattering in the fields at Crystal Spring Farms and out in Pennelville, swallows were swooping, the woods were filled with wildflowers - ladyslippers, anemone, star flowers, blue bead lilies, wild indian cucumber, violets, bluets, wild oats, fringed polygala, false lily of the valley, blueberry bells blanketed the field between the farm and the high school, and the air smelled of honeysuckle and lilacs. Got in a nice 13 miles. Legs a bit tired but overall just a darn good run. Hard to complain on a day like today.

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