Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Going with the Flow

I haven't been running too much since TARC but really, things have been feeling pretty good so I'm just going with the flow, trying to find that balance of doing enough to keep sane but not so much that it comes back to haunt me. Got out this morning for a mellow 4 miles. Not much else to report.

Speaking of balance, this is an awesome quote:

"Also, because people often ask me how I balance work, family, and running. Balance??? That sounds so calm and pleasant! It's more like juggling chainsaws! Basically, just make sure you don't mishandle one so badly that you cut off your hand, otherwise, I figure whatever technique gets you by is just fine." - Pam Smith

I am not at her level in any way, but I find this quote to be oh so appropriate. Life as a working mother runner is one big crazy juggling act, indeed.

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