Thursday, October 7, 2010


I've been racing around the past few nights and mornings trying to get things organized, clean, baked, etc, in preparation for the weekend. I love that everyone is coming into town for Sam's birthday, but I always seem to go into a bit of a frenzy when people are coming to visit (just ask Ryan...). However, all that didn't stop me from sneaking in a quick run this morning between dropping Sam off at daycare, cleaning the upstairs and getting to work (just) on time! I decided to do the longer Highland Green loop to get in a little bit more mileage, and to keep my leg happy. Similar to what Valerie has noted in some of her posts, my IT band often seems to be aggravated by lateral movement on side hills and sloppy terrain. Doing the loop through Highland Green allowed me to keep mostly on level terrain, and keep the leg feeling good. In my rather frenzied state, I ended up doing the 4.75 miles in 37:22. Perhaps a bit too quick. Oops! Oh well, maybe I can just call it a tempo run... :-)

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