Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Yes, Samantha is only a little more than 3 weeks old, and no doubt things will change in the upcoming weeks, months and years, but in the meantime, there are a few baby myths I'd like to clear up.

1. "Sleeps like a baby." I'd rather sleep like an adult. 8 hours without waking up. If I were to sleep like a baby, I'd be up every 2 to 4 hours, crying and hungry. This is not how I want to be.

2. "All babies need is love." Having a baby has meant our home is quickly filling up with ridiculous "stuff." Plastic stuff. Swings. Pack n' Plays. Play mats. Diapers. Wipes. Toys. A special bathtub. And on, and on, and on. It's impossible to resist. Yes, what babies need most is our attention and for us to listen to their cry and respond, to change their diaper and feed them accordingly, but really, it's all about the stuff!

3. "We're loving every minute!" We love Sam. We did before we even met her. But it is work. And it is tough. It is not all rainbows and candy. All the advice we've gotten from people in these past few weeks is that you just have to get through the first three months, and then it gets better. That is not an endorsement for "loving every minute." Still, when she smiles (or is it gas?), and is cute and quiet, we love it. When she's crying at 3 am, and won't go to sleep, I won't lie and say I'm loving it. But I know this too will pass, and that better days are on the way. I think having a baby is like most other things. There are good times and bad, and it's all in how you handle it. Hopefully we'll continue to handle it OK! :-)

4. The whole breastfeeding thing. Yes, it might be best, and it might be "the most natural thing in the world" but man, it is a lot of work. They don't tell you this beforehand. All the portrayals of breastfeeding are of quiet, contented babies, and moms gazing down at their babies with stars in their eyes. While this may be true for some, I am not finding it to be so. Sam is a squirmer. She burps and poops and moves around. It's a workout keeping her eating. I am feeding her many hours a day. It is tiring. Again, as she gets older, all this will likely change and get better, and I'm not giving up yet, but all I have to say is, if you're thinking of breastfeeding in the future, be warned!

5. "Breastfed baby poop doesn't smell." This is just not true. It is poop. It smells. Perhaps it smells less than formula-fed baby poop. And likely less than once we start to feed her solid foods. But seriously, people, don't lie.

I'm sure there will be other myths to contend with as we continue on this journey, but in the meantime, here is a photo of little Sam in her FuzziBunz cloth diapers. So, far it is going well and we are loving not buying and throwing out a zillion disposable diapers!

Fresh as a Daisy!

This afternoon, Sam and I didn't get out for a walk until right before 4pm. The soft late afternoon light was hitting the treetops, and I walked along, the sun beginning to set, highlighting the clouds as they began to turn light purple. I was tired and hadn't known whether it was better to take a nap or take a walk, but as always, once I got out there, I knew it was the right choice.

1 comment:

mindy said...

Sounds like you're handling things just fine - you have the right attitude and expect the bad with the good. And it sounds like it will just keep getting better.
Sam is a lucky little lady for sure!