Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good Day for a Day Off

We awoke to a dusting of wet snow on the ground, and although that has melted, it has stayed cold, overcast and damp. It is a good day for a day off, as Ryan is up at work and I'm home alone with Sam. Not exactly the best weather to taking an almost-4 week old baby out for a walk.

Yesterday however, I took Ryan up on his offer to watch Sam and headed across the street on my own for a walk on the powerlines. As I walked along, I was thinking that next week I'm planning to slightly lengthen my walks to 3 miles. Walking 3 miles takes a lot longer than running 3 miles but at this point I have the time, and if I am planning to start running again in 2 weeks, I want to at least be able to have walked 3 miles a few times before I head out running 3 miles again! It was a bright afternoon but a bit blustery. I enjoyed the change of scenery from the road route that has become my "normal" loop, and as I crested the rise before my turn-around, I stopped and watched a Red-tailed Hawk circling on the air currents and listened to the chickadees chirping in the bushes. Ahhhh. Another nice day to be out.

When I returned, we went out for ice cream. I've been craving a "Pumpkin Pie in the Sky" from Cold Stone ever since Sam was born, and finally got it today! Yum. There should be pumpkin beer, pie, ice cream and coffee (yes, I like Pumpkin Spice coffee, what can I say?!) all the time! But I guess that would make it less special. Needless to say, pumpkin ice cream with caramel, graham crackers, mysterious whipped topping and cinnamon mixed in is a heavenly treat!

This ice cream is bigger than my head!


mindy said...

They should make the sizes for Stone Cold "Like It", "Love It", and "Bigger Than A Baby Head".

mindy said...

I meant Cold Stone (not Steve Austin)

Sparkplug said...

Perfect! I'll have to petition for that change in sizes :-)